HSN Code Finder

Find HSN Code or ITC HS Code and their GST Rates for your product with our HSN Code Search Tool. Search by either product name or HSN Code. Use a category list as an alternative way to get to your product’s HS code

What is HSN Code?

HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature. HSN was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to classify the goods across the world in a systematic manner for the purpose of taxation in identifying each product. HSN classification covers more than 5,000 products, and it came into force in 1988. HSN is widespread and is adopted by more than 200 countries for uniform classification, the base for customs tariff and for collecting international trade statistics.

    How Does HSN Code Work?

    HSN code has over 5,000 commodity groups, each of the group is identified by a six-digit code, which is arranged in a legal and logical structure. The HSN code is supported by well-defined rules to achieve uniformity.

    Importance of HSN Code

    1. Since the HSN code is accepted internationally for classifying products, that makes the HSN Code Finder a logical way of identifying goods for both domestic and foreign trade.
    2. HSN code is used to gather data and understand foreign and domestic trade in a more efficient manner.
    3. Therefore, it will help the government in deciding macroeconomic policies related to the trade of these commodities.

    Business Registration

    Private Limited Company

    Limited Liability Partnership

    One Person Company

    Nidhi Company

    Public limited Company

    Section 8 Company


    FSSAI [Food License]

    FSSAI Renewal

    IEC [Import/Export Code]

    IEC Certificate Modification

    Digital Signature Certificate


    FSSAI [Food License]

    FSSAI Renewal

    IEC [Import/Export Code]

    IEC Certificate Modification

    Digital Signature Certificate


    GST Registration

    GST Filing

    GST Modification

    Accounting & Tax

    Online Accountant

    PF Registration

    PF Return

    Online Bookkeeping

    Income Tax Return

    Legal Services

    Online Legal Advice

    Legal Notice


    Consumer Complaint

    Other Legal Services

    Doc Collection

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